I've been trying to read more this year (with varying degrees of success). I have an unofficial goal (not sure how serious I am about it honestly) to find a horror novel that will make me vomit. I am currently in the middle of the book The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones which is pretty good so far! I have unfortunately not made any progress for a few weeks so I will need to pick it up again. I have a couple of other books I'm really excited about - I picked up a medieval horror anthology from an independent publisher that I'm really looking forward to reading, a YA/possibly new adult book called A Magic Steeped in Poison, which has a magic system based around tea, Battle Royale, which is a book I read in middle school, and American Psycho (I was influenced by all the memes about the movie on social media lol). I also signed up for Dracula Daily, which is a newsletter that sends out the letters included in the book on the dates they were written, since Dracula is an epistolary novel. I have a physical copy of Dracula but I am kind of intimidated by it and the newsletter is very easy to read and extremely fun. Hopefully I'll make progress with my reading! If you ever want any horror, sci-fi, or fantasy recs, you can always ask me.

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Noel, I must tell you I have been thinking of the very first sentence of this for days. If a book makes you vomit, please, let me know. I hate to be scared, but I always appreciate your point of view. I've actually never read Dracula! That newsletter sounds dope. So does the book with magic/tea. Keep me posted on your summer reading. I'll let you know when I finish The Hobbit :)

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